
What is a 'Momme' & Which is the Best Momme for Silk Pillowcases?

There are many Silk pillowcases on the market at the moment. Here at This Is Silk we use 22 momme Silk for our pillowcases. It took us many months of searching to find the perfect weight and supplier of Silk, as the quality varies enormously. Our work was rewarded by the awards our Silk has won, and by the lovely letters we get from our customers who recognise the quality of our Silk.

We believe that it is critical to assess the momme weight when you are buying woven Silk so that you know what quality you are buying.

If a company does not disclose what momme weight the pillowcase they are selling is, you can rest assured it is a low momme and you should steer clear.

What is a Momme?

A momme (pronounced ‘mommy’) is a unit of measurement used to grade the weight of Silk.

It is the traditional way of measuring the weight of silk, and derives from the weight of a length of Silk measuring 100 yards long by 45 inches wide. (45 inches is the standard width of silk fabric)

If the weight of that length of fabric is 19 lbs in weight, then the Silk is 19 momme. If the weight of that length of fabric is 12 lbs, then the silk is 12 momme.

The tighter the weave, the more Silk is used, which means that the weight and the momme count are higher.

This is why the lower momme count Silk fabrics, such as Silk chiffon, which have less Silk are translucent, whereas the higher momme Silk is opaque.

There is 20% more silk in a 22 momme Silk than there is a 19 momme silk pillowcase.

Which Momme Should I Buy?

Different weight Silks are used for different purposes as they drape and feel different according to the weight / momme count.

For a lightweight chiffon Silk, a very low count of momme is needed, between 6 - 8 momme.

For clothing, a high level of drape and fluidity is required, so the best momme for clothing is 16 - 19 momme, depending on the opacity required. A 16 momme Silk shirt is perfect for a lightweight shirt. For a more formal Silk shirt we would look at 19 momme.

22 Momme Silk is best for Silk Pillowcases

Which Momme is Best for Pillowcases?

When Silk is used as a skincare product, which it is when you sleep on a silk pillowcase, there are a number of factors to consider when choosing momme:

  • Softness against the Skin

  • Facial skin is the most delicate skin of all, so softness is a significant consideration. The 22 momme silk we sell is extraordinarily soft, and it took months of searching to find the perfect silk suppliers.

    A lower count momme has less silk in the weave and there is therefore more friction in the lower weight silk. The friction is precisely what accelerates the ageing process, so a higher momme count is essential.

    By contrast, a momme count which is too high becomes too thick, and is unable to drape as well. A very high momme count which contains too much silk for skincare feels very stiff and is uncomfortable against facial skin.

    We have tested other momme counts and our testers found 22 momme silk was the most comfortable against their skin.

  • Durability

  • Silk is a remarkably resilient material but the higher the momme count, the better it will withstand washing.

    Silk has so many incredible benefits for our skin and hair that we want people to use it daily and appreciate its benefits without worrying about caring for Silk.

    For that reason, we knew 22 momme was the best weight for our pillowcases. Our 22 momme Silk pillowcases were independently tested and it was noted how well they wash.

    A higher weight momme count fabric used daily will last longer than a lower weight one. For this reason it represents a good investment.

  • Benefits for Skin

  • Silk contains 18 amino acids and is made of a protein structure which is similar to that of our hair. (Keratins) We think of Silk as a biodynamic fabric which positively benefits the skin, and this is backed up by scientific research.

    Put simply, the higher the momme count, the more Silk there is and the higher the benefits.

    Silk is a heavylifter when it comes to skincare benefits and does the work of many creams and serums, whilst also helping your skin to retain those creams, instead of wicking them away as cotton does.


    You will not get the same benefits from a thinner, lower momme Silk.

    22 Momme is best for Silk Pillowcases

    So now you can see that a 22 momme silk pillowcase is the best combination of benefits for skin, softness, drape and durability.

    We only sell directly to our customers and don’t have the mark-ups that a traditional wholesaler-to-retailer has, so you can be sure that you are getting the best possible Silk at the best possible prices.


    If you have any further questions we are always very happy to help. You can email us at