
The Lost Art Of Getting Lost

I am a huge believer in spending more time outdoors, surrounded by green and we have been so busy recently that I realised I had not made as much time for it as I usually do, and it was showing. 

So we decided to go exploring in the countryside near Cirencester. Summer evenings are perfect for wandering and that is exactly what we did.

I wanted to recapture that sense of wonder I had when I was younger - of discovery and exploration without aim. 

And so we (my husband and I) basically got lost, and it was wonderful.

No map, no sat-nav, no compass, no watch and in my case, no sense of direction... No phone to look down at - just the open countryside in late summer. 

And I experienced something for the first time in years - a real sense of being present, of really opening my eyes to what was around me, the different shades of green and yellow, the luminous wildflowers, hearing birdsong, the passing of the seasons and the panicked attempts at flight by disturbed baby grouse. Nothing in sight or mind but hedges, fields, flowers and sky. It is a primal and delicious experience, subversive in today’s endless obsession with work and productivity.

We eventually found our way back, and I look forward to getting lost again soon. 

Of course, you can also get lost in sleep and dreaming...

and a Silk Eye Mask can make a difference and help you sleep better and dream deeper...

And to help you get lost in sleeping and dreaming...

Here's a rare discount...

25% off all Silk Eye Masks when you enter the code ‘Wanderlust’ at checkout, whilst stocks last.

As ever, if you would like to send one as a present with a handwritten note, please just email me.